The Board of Directors of the North Welland BIA passed a motion to waive the levy for the 2020 taxation year for the business members in the North Welland BIA catchment area.
We are pleased to let you know that the City of Welland approved our request and will make these adjustments to the 2020 property tax bills to ensure the North Welland BIA member businesses are not charged a levy.
We also have passed a motion to put a hold on our capital projects and use the funds set aside for those capital projects for future promotion of our member businesses.
We recognize that this may be a prolonged effort and wanted you to be aware of the North Welland BIA’s commitment to help you navigate challenges and advance your business objectives.
There is quite a bit of information circulating at the moment but below are the links we have found most helpful for both government assistance and to safely continue operation if you are an essential service.
Government of Canada Relief Programs
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@northwelland.ca if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance in ensuring your ability to address these challenging times.