The North Welland BIA provides a number of services to its commercial property owners and tenants. Additionally, if you have any questions related to your property and business, we are here to guide and support you, contact us today.
The North Welland BIA helps promote your business using a variety of marketing initiatives such as radio ads, Facebook, Instagram, and Member Profile and News articles promoted via myWelland.com.
The North Welland BIA sponsors a series of events throughout the year, including Concerts on the Canal, Welland Jackfish baseball, Victoria Day festivities and fireworks in association with the City of Welland and many more!
Street Beautification
The North Welland BIA manages the street clean up along Niagara Street from Thorold Road to Merritt Road/Highway 406 through the help of the 9th Welland Scouts. The street clean-up is done 6 times each year. If you would like to report any damage or maintenance needs, contact us today.